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How to give yourself the winning edge as a recruiter – Part 3

In the third part of ‘how to give yourself the winning edge as a recruiter’, we discuss the next steps for defining your success strategy. The aim of this series is to give recruiters specific operational techniques that will improve performance.

Tip 7 – Presentation of candidate to client

Technology continues to determine how this is done. Emails, portals, even recorded interviews.! But wherever possible try to have a conversation with your client as well. This really allows you to ‘sell’ the candidate to the client, but also gives you a better feel for how interested the client really is. SO, Winning Edge recruiters use this part of the process to, amongst other things, reassess and rework the Job Brief and re-qualify the client’s urgency and needs.   

Tip 8 – Setting up the 1st interview

In an ideal world, we’d set up interview slots with clients prior to booking them in with candidates; however this isn’t always possible or realistic. The winning edges trick here is to use a powerful combination of ‘desire’ and ‘fear’. Desire is built by providing a very focused and relevant sell of the candidate – how they well address problems, help achieve aspirations and control risks. Fear of missing out on the candidate then becomes both meaningful and obvious, prompting the client in to action!

Tip 9 – 1st interview – prepping your candidate

Preparing your candidates properly is vital for not only their performance, but also your own reputation as a winning edge recruiter. Here are 3 winning edge suggestions to help prepare your candidate:

  1. Let their research drive their questions.

  2. Coach them to ‘close’ the interview in an appropriate manner.

  3. Don’t over prep and give them ‘space’ to perform!

If you enjoyed part 3 of our winning edges series, be sure to watch out for part 4 next month! Alternatively, if you have any questions regarding the topics discussed in this article, give us a call on 01264 360 234 or email We'd be happy to help.


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