Quality Assurance Policy
This quality assurance policy outlines our belief and commitment to ensure that ongoing quality improvement is an integral part of our organisation. Enabling Change Limited will aim for continuous improvement in the quality of all aspects of its work as part of its determination to help learners achieve the highest possible standards. Enabling Change Limited aims to be the first choice for high quality recruitment training across the entire recruitment sector.
The purpose of the Quality Assurance Policy is to ensure such continuous improvement through a process of self-evaluation and action planning. The Quality Assurance Policy and associated procedures will involve all employees and. The management of the process will be through the existing organisational structure. Line managers will initiate procedures within their teams and collate and agree action plans which will help form both individual and corporate development plans.
The quality assurance procedures will be founded in a process of regular selfevaluation by teams in different departments, internal audits and observations, in addition to employer and client feedback.
The quality procedures will seek the views and perceptions of learners and other stake holders who receive, benefit from and select our training solutions.
Wherever appropriate, the procedures will promote the identification of quality standards and performance indicators against which performance can be measured, evaluated and improved.
Responsibility for Implementation
All staff (managers, trainers and support staff) are responsible for the implementation of the Quality Assurance Policy.
The Quality Manager is responsible for an annual review of the policy.
It is the responsibility of all to engage positively in that review and ensure implementation.
Quality Assurance Focus
To encourage continuous improvement in the quality of all training programmes and associated development solutions, thereby making learning an enjoyable activity and through this, increasing learner retention and the achievement of learning aims.
To develop and maintain a diverse range of programmes that will be appropriate across the entire recruitment sector which provide learners with techniques, processes and structures that will enable them to perform their roles at a higher standard.
To provide information and feedback from all interactions with our clients and learners that enables continuous updates and improvements to our development solutions.
To establish standards and monitoring procedures for providing a supportive and accessible range of services to all learners.
Internal Quality Assurance for Enabling Change Limited Employees
To review regularly the performance, training and needs of all employees.
To encourage continual professional development and to offer training and development to individuals from induction and throughout their employment.
To monitor and evaluate performance and developmental needs through regular one to one reviews.
Quality Assurance for Clients and Learners
Learner feedback will be sought, reviewed and acted upon when relevant to the improvement of the quality of any developmental solution.
Regular reviews with clients will provide feedback that will feed into improvements and changes to our development tools.
The quality of our development programmes is dependent upon learners applying techniques that we have taught to them once they are back in their workplace. Enabling Change will therefore explore, develop, deliver and support a range of processes that will support and encourage learners to apply actions stemming from our development solutions. These initiatives will be regularly reviewed.
The results of the quality control monitoring as stated above, will be used to:
Action plan for improvement within Enabling Change Limited.
Highlight issues that need consideration by Enabling Change Limited.
Feedback on actions taken will be shared with employees.
Identify new initiatives and solutions that will improve the quality of development that we bring to our clients.